Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas at the Penninsula

A dear friend invited the kids and I to the Penninsula in Chicago. They had lunch for the kids (champagne for the adults!), then story time and coloring with Mrs Claus and finally, cookie decorating! Santa came at the end and each child got to sit and talk to him. Isaac, of course, wanted a fire truck and Lo would not go anywhere near him. Mrs Claus held her pretty much the entire time. When Mrs Claus put her down (after seriously holding her for 20 minutes!) to pick up another child- she had a breakdown of disasterious proportions and we had to leave ASAP. It was very fun though (and very high class!).

Lo being held by Mrs Claus

Mrs Claus telling the kids a story

Isaac & Lo next to the lobby tree

Isaac & his girlfriend, Keelin.

The food the kids were served- I wanted to eat it- how cute!

Isaac & Santa

The kids making Christmas cookies- Lo is eating the candy that should be going on her cookie!

Decorating . . . .

The decorating table-

Thursday, December 11, 2008


So we put up our Christmas tree a few nights ago. We bought new ornaments since our other ones broke in the move to Munster. The new ornaments came in a plastic container & the kids thought it was funny to wear them on their heads. But what was funnier was when Isaac got one really stuck on his head! Check out the picture- they're hillarious!

Really, Dad, you can't get this thing off me?

Don't get to close to my ear, okay?

Pull, Dad! Pull!