Sunday, August 16, 2009

Long time!

Yes, it's been a really long time since I've updated the photos- we've had a few months of computer issues but it's fixed now- so here's a bunch of stuff to catch up on.

Camping: We had our first camping experience as a family the end of May. The first night was TERRIBLE but it did get better. The kids loved it & overall, I'd have to say, it was fun!

Gymnastics: The kids finished off their gymnastics class in the beginning of the summer with a special program and metal ceremony. They both really enjoyed the class & Lo relished in the attention of the metal ceremony- Isaac, not so much!

Pool: This summer the kids have really enjoyed the pool. Lo has become incredibly brave. She does what she says are cannonballs (jumping) & goes down the big slide by herself. Isaac is a little less daring but still enjoys the water. It's been a great summer!