Saturday, December 5, 2009


We welcomed Nathan Michael into this world on November 10 at 3:58 am. He was 8.0 lbs & 20 inches. Isaac & Lauren have been great with him; very involved and attentive. Nathan has been a blessing to our family & it's hard to imagine what life was like without him. God is good!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Long time!

Yes, it's been a really long time since I've updated the photos- we've had a few months of computer issues but it's fixed now- so here's a bunch of stuff to catch up on.

Camping: We had our first camping experience as a family the end of May. The first night was TERRIBLE but it did get better. The kids loved it & overall, I'd have to say, it was fun!

Gymnastics: The kids finished off their gymnastics class in the beginning of the summer with a special program and metal ceremony. They both really enjoyed the class & Lo relished in the attention of the metal ceremony- Isaac, not so much!

Pool: This summer the kids have really enjoyed the pool. Lo has become incredibly brave. She does what she says are cannonballs (jumping) & goes down the big slide by herself. Isaac is a little less daring but still enjoys the water. It's been a great summer!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


David's niece, Heather & her fiance James, were married in Grand Rapids a few weeks ago. They asked the kids to be a part of their wedding. Lo was flower girl & Isaac was ring bearer. They did fantastic. They walked down the aisle together. Lo had a basketfull of flower petals & just before going down the aisle, I told her to make sure she didn't throw them all in one spot- so she instead she made sure she only picked out one of the hundreds in the basket each time she went to drop a flower. When she was at the front of the church, the aisle proudly display only 4 flower petals- but she was very proud of herself! They had so much fun at the reception. The ran around outside (the place was open to the outside in the back), clinked their glasses for Heather & James to kiss, and danced their hearts out! They made it to 11:00pm! The wedding, reception, bride, groom & the weather was beautiful. It was a very fun night. Thanks for letting us be a part of it, Heather & James!

Lo loved getting her picture taken with the "big girls"!

Why don't they sit still when I want to take pictures of them?

Lo getting her hair done before the ceremony. She loved it!

Isaac & Lo dancing the night away . . . . yes, they were the only ones on the dance floor . . . it was still early!

In her own world, dancing to her own music!

My princess

My boys

My angels

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We just returned from a wonderful week in Florida. The kids had a great time- they loved the beach and the pool. They hunted for shells, found crabs, made sand castles, ate out, played at parks, got sunburned, jumped waves, bonded with their cousin Gavin & loved every minute of Florida. David got to golf quite a few times & I got to lay out in the sun and read. It was a great week.

Too adorable! Will they always be best of friends???

They found a crab- thankfully, it was dead!

Cousin Gavin- isn't he precious?

According to Isaac, the BEST park in the world!

What a sight to wake up to every morning!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Great weekend

David & I flew out to Colorado to go skiing in Steamboat with my brother and sister-in-law. We had a great time- it was so nice to be outside and the weather was beautiful. The skiing was great too- once I got over my 3 year old temper-tantrum mid-moutain when I had decided I had fallen enough and just wanted a snowmobile to pick me up instead of having to ski another 1/2 hour down the mountain!

The kids got to spend a great weekend with Grandpa and Grandma and were even treated to a fun night at Chuckie Cheese! Thank goodness for grandparents who take them there cause David & I sure wouldn't have! They also got to meet their new nephew, Gavin, for the first time. As depicted below, our little Lo was a tad jealous!

It was a fantastic weekend all around. Miss you, Andrew & Heather! Thanks for a wonderful visit and sorry again for my baby-like attitude- I really did enjoy the skiing the last two days! And thanks, Grandpa & Grandma, for taking such good care of the kids. They always have so much fun with you and we never worry about them when they're with you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

She's 2!

Happy Birthday, Lo! I can't believe my baby is 2 already! She's a challenge and a joy all at the same time. She's emotional and loving, has a temper and snuggles. She takes care of her babies and hits her brother, she throws her food and shares her fruit snacks. She's our Lauren! Here's to her 2nd birthday . . . .

Our beauty....

Look how excited she is, pointing at her ice cream being delivered by a train!

Blowing out her candle at the restaurant.

Opening her present- a new dollhouse!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Snow, sledding & more

We had our first real big snow here (I know, those of you from Michigan are crying boo hoo for us!) so we decided to bundle the kids up and put them to work. Isaac loved helping shovel- Lo on the other hand, was not to thrilled! She was very upset that she could not hold the shovel properly through her mittened hands. Needless to say, I got to go back inside with her- oh shoot, I couldn't help shovel!
We also took the kids sledding for the first time (Isaac has only gone down a snow drift in our driveway on the top of a plastic trash lid last year). They loved it. It was a little bit too cold for them so it didn't last long but we hope to go again soon.
I also included some pictures of Lo & Isaac with Lo's Christmas present from Aunt Heather. She made Lo a ton of necklaces and bracelets and got her dress up hats, shoes, purses, etc- the best gift ever for this little girl who has been bombarded with fire trucks and baseballs and diggers and blocks- all things boy.
Okay- and I had to include a picture of my new nephew- Gavin John, born on Jan. 3rd. He's doing great, as are mommy and daddy (Julie & Jason). I have yet to see him but can't wait!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


We had a great Christmas season. It was very busy with a lot of traveling but we survived and no one was sick this year! Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas.

Lo after she realized there were no more presents for her!

The kids with their new dinosaur banks

The family on Christmas Day

Isaac & Lo posing for a Christmas picture

The kids got a trampoline for Christmas- Isaac can jump quite high!

Lo can too!

The kids with their Colorado shirts from Aunt Heather & Uncle Andrew