Tuesday, May 26, 2009


David's niece, Heather & her fiance James, were married in Grand Rapids a few weeks ago. They asked the kids to be a part of their wedding. Lo was flower girl & Isaac was ring bearer. They did fantastic. They walked down the aisle together. Lo had a basketfull of flower petals & just before going down the aisle, I told her to make sure she didn't throw them all in one spot- so she instead she made sure she only picked out one of the hundreds in the basket each time she went to drop a flower. When she was at the front of the church, the aisle proudly display only 4 flower petals- but she was very proud of herself! They had so much fun at the reception. The ran around outside (the place was open to the outside in the back), clinked their glasses for Heather & James to kiss, and danced their hearts out! They made it to 11:00pm! The wedding, reception, bride, groom & the weather was beautiful. It was a very fun night. Thanks for letting us be a part of it, Heather & James!

Lo loved getting her picture taken with the "big girls"!

Why don't they sit still when I want to take pictures of them?

Lo getting her hair done before the ceremony. She loved it!

Isaac & Lo dancing the night away . . . . yes, they were the only ones on the dance floor . . . it was still early!

In her own world, dancing to her own music!

My princess

My boys

My angels